Introduction of nutrient-optimised midday meals in a university setting

  • 22.06.2016
  • English Articles
  • Melanie Schneider
  • Carolin Nössler
  • Marita Schmidt
  • Anja Carlsohn


In recent years, nutrition in Germany has gradually shifted from the domestic environment to eating out of home. At the moment, 19% of employees and 74% of university students take their midday meals in canteens or works cafeterias [1, 2].

This has been accompanied by unfavourable nutritional behaviour, as seen in the unfavourable choice of food and preparation of meals, as well as high prevalence of overweight [3, 4]. However, eating out of home does not inevitably lead to unfavourable nutrition. It is rather the case that it offers a good opportunity for nutrition-related environmental prevention by presenting (nutrient-)optimised menus in accordance with the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE).

In this context, we shall examine the practical measures required in communal catering (cc) in order to comply with the instructions of the DGE Quality Standard for the use in Business Dining [5], with respect to the quality of nutrients. One particularly interesting point is the potential for changes in energy and nutrient content in nutrient-optim- ised rather than conventional menus. It is also investigated how potential canteen customers evaluate the introduction of optimised menus and make use of this offer.


By implementing the criteria of the DGE Quality Standard for the use in Business Dining, nutrient content of the midday meals offered in the canteen at the University of Education in Schwäbisch Gmünd was optimised. The fat and energy content were reduced by means of 19 ± 17 g fat/menu and 162 ± 144 kcal/menu, respectively. The introduction of the optimised menus was regarded favourably and about 50% of the university members (students and staff) do regularly eat in the canteen. Therefore nutrient-optimised meals provide an opportunity for nutrition-related environmental prevention.

Keywords: eating out of home, communal catering, DGE Quality Standard for the use in Business Dining, nutrient optimisation 

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