Type 1 diabetes and nutrition in early infancy

Michael Hummel, München

Studies of the development of type 1 diabetes have shown that islet autoimmunity appears early in life in subjects who develop diabetes during childhood or adolescence. Infant diet is discussed as potential trigger as well as protective factor in the course of beta-cell destruction.

Cohort studies have shown that the intake of gluten containing cereals before the age of four months is significantly associated with an increased risk for islet autoantibodies. Prospective studies in children at high risk for type 1 diabetes from birth have shown that neither early introduction of cow`s milk proteins nor short breast feeding are risk factors for the development of islet autoimmunity. Vitamin D or cod liver oil supplements during the first year of life may be protective.

At present, intervention studies deal with the effect of a modified diet in infants genetically at risk for type 1 diabetes. It is important to define protective and predisposing effects of the early infant diet on the development of islet autoimmunity, as early feeding may potentially be modified to minimize the risk of future type 1 diabetes.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 1, infant formula, gluten, fetal programming, breast-feed

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 08/08 ab Seite 474.

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