Evidence-Base for Measures in the Population-Based Prevention of Diseases Associated with Nutrition

Leonie Knorpp, Anja Kroke, Fulda

The introduction of the concept of evidence-based medicine at the start of the 1990s initiated an interdisciplinary discussion of issues related to the presentation and evaluation of summaries of available research work.

This evidence-based approach presents specific problems for nutritional interventions – especially those related to population-related prevention (Public Health Nutrition, PHN). The main reason for this is that it is generally not possible to provide unambiguous demonstrations of causality or efficacy. Because of the special features of (population-related) nutritional interventions, specifically developed evaluation schemes should be used to classify the available evidence into a hierarchy. Together with other aspects – which must still be evaluated critically – this can provide the foundation for a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence.

Keywords: evidence-based medicine, level of evidence, public health nutrition, RCT

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 02/11 ab Seite 73.

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