The Right to Food

Historical review and strategies towards addressing the contemporary food crisis

Anne C. Bellows, Stefanie Lemke, Veronika Scherbaum, Hohenheim

This review introduces basic historical and political conditions that led to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the establishment of the human right to food.

This background anticipates the development of rights-based approaches that have instigated a long overdue paradigm change including both: a movement away from food aid and towards the strengthening of vibrant local communities; and from meeting needs and towards efforts to strengthening rights claims of disadvantaged groups. Since the 1990s, civil society organizations have played a decisive role in the progressive realization of the right to food by encouraging public and academic institutions to engage with the human right to food and rights-based approaches.

Keywords: human rights, food security, food insecurity, FAO, Right to Food

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 02/11 ab Seite 66.

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