The role of antioxidative systems and of vitamin A in cystic fibrosis

E. I. Back, M. Stern, H. K. Biesalski, Stuttgart, Tübingen

Oxidative stress, defined as an imbalance between pro- and antioxidants, is assumed to play a major role in cystic fibrosis. The data available so far suggest that patients with cystic fibrosis are under oxidative stress due to chronic infectious and inflammatory processes.

Usually their plasma levels of antioxidant vitamins and vitamin A are lower than in healthy controls. In many, but not in all cases, vitamin deficiencies may be corrected by oral supplementation. The role of a biochemical deficiency of antioxidant vitamins and vitamin A in CF patients and the importance of blood/plasma analyses versus analyses of certain target tissues to show the situation in the most affected organs in CF (lung, gastrointestinal tract) have to be further elucidated. If the clinical relevance of certain micronutrient deficiencies in CF patients is confirmed, innovative methods of supplementation (sprays, nanocolloids) will help to correct deficits by directly delivering the required nutrients to the target organs despite the problem of maldigestion and malabsorption. EU 10/02

Keywords: Oxidative stress / cystic fibrosis / vitamin A

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/02 ab Seite386.

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