Iodine supply and incidence of goitrogenics in Germany

R. Hampel, H. Zöllner, Rostock, Greifswald

Because iodine supply in Germany was insufficient for a long period of time endemic goitre is still common. A close correlation between age and frequency of goitre / thyroid nodules has been observed. These facts do not reflect the current alimentary supply with iodine, however.

Recent studies in Germany of the urinary iodine excretion have shown sufficient iodine supply in neonates, adolescents and adults, except for pregnant women in whom a certain iodine deficiency can be diagnosed; in these cases oral iodine supplementation is still recommended. Accordingly, relevant iodine quantities are supposed to come from sources which are not calculable (food supplements, use of iodophores in lifestock management, soft drinks). In the future, special attention should be paid to ensuring adequate alimentary iodine supply via iodized table salt. It is further necessary to control those incalculable iodine sources by means of iodine monitoring on a regular basis.

Studies we conducted have shown that goitrogens such as thiocyanate and nitrate are not of relevance in goitre endemia althoug they interfere with iodine transport and metabolism at various sites. EU 04/04

Keywords: Iodine supply / goitre / goitrogenics / Germany

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 04/04 ab Seite 132.

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