Resveratrol oligomers: A new class of natural anti-carcinogens?

Pablo Steinberg, Hannover

Grape vine shoots contain high levels of resveratrol and resveratrol oligomers consisting of two to eight resveratrol units. In contrast to resveratrol, the potential anticarcinogenic effect of the resveratrol oligomers has hardly been studied.

In a first step, it has been shown that the resveratrol oligomers ε- viniferin, r-2-viniferin, hopeaphenol und ampelopsin A, inhibit the growth of a number of human tumour cell lines to a significant degree . It is striking that hopeaphenol and r-2-viniferin inhibit the growth of human tumor cell lines significantly more strongly than resveratrol itself. Data from cell cycle analyses and caspase 3/7 activity measurements suggest that the resveratrol oligomers hopeaphenol und r-2-viniferin first lead to cell cycle arrest in the S phase and then to apoptotic cell death.

Keywords: resveratrol, tumor prevention, phytochemicals, in-vitro assay, human tumor cell lines

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 07/11 ab Seite 366.

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