Implementation of nutritional recommendations for HIV-infected individuals in black Africa

Estelle Anaëlle Nguewo, Gertrud Winkler, Sigmaringen, Lazare Kaptué, Yaoundé, Kamerun

The HIV infection affects the economic strength of many countries, predominantly of those in Africa. Besides the prevention of new infections it is essential therefore to ensure life quality and capacity for work of HIV-infected individuals for a period as long as possible.

To prevent food-related infections, practicable recommendations for drinking water-, foodand kitchen hygiene have been developed. For the use of recommendations for nutrient supply in practice, diets for restricted financial means, meeting individual requirements and consisting of locally available food have been prepared which take the specific nutritional and supply situation in black Africa into account. They may be disseminated via a decentralized system of multiplicators.

Keywords: AIDS, HIV, prevention of infections, Africa, food hygiene, emaciation

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 06/08 ab Seite 334.

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