Diet and Imbalanced Nutrition– Risk Factor for Congenital Malformations?

Melanie Stender, Sonja Grossberndt, Andrea Köhn, Jana Hoyer-Schuschke, Simone Pötzsch, Magdeburg

A case control study was performed in which the mothers of healthy children and mothers of children with gastroschisis (case group, n = 49) were asked about their nutritional habits before and during pregnancy.

It was found that the women in the control group consumed a more balanced diet before and during pregnancy than the mothers in the case group. There were highly significant differences in the consumption of fruit and vegetables. It was also found that the mothers of children with gastroschisis consumed much more meat and sausages than recommended. The risk of gastroschisis was increased if the mother was on a weight loss diet six months before the start of pregnancy (OR = 6.10; 95 % CI 2.07–17.83). Although it has been reported that low maternal BMI at the start of pregnancy is a risk factor, this could not be confirmed. The incidence of gastroschisis could perhaps be reduced by primary prevention, by informing young women and mothers of the consequences of faulty nutrition.

Keywords: Gastroschisis, nutritional behaviour, pregnancy, weight loss diet, congenital malformation, prevention

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 06/11 ab Seite 297.

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