Nutritional status, energy and substrate metabolism in the elderly

DGEM and DGG Guideline Enteral Nutrition
D. Volkert, Bonn

Recently an evidence based guideline for prevention and treatment of malnutrition in the elderly was prepared under the auspices of the German Society of Clinical Nutrition and the German Geriatric Society (DGG). An introductory chapter, which is presented in the following, is devoted to nutritional status, energy and substrate metabolism in the elderly.

Essential age-related changes affecting nutritional status concern the regulation of hunger and satiety (keyword anorexia of ageing) and body composition (keyword sarcopenia). The decrease in fat-free body mass is accompanied by a reduction in basal metabolic rate, impaired ability of the metabolism to adequately respond to stress and hampered rehabilitation.  Total energy expenditure is generally reduced in the elderly, but greatly variable depending on physical activity and health status. Substrate metabolism is primarily characterized by a reduced capacity of fat oxidation and reduced glucose tolerance. Malnutrition particularly appears in connection with diseases and age-related functional impairments. Its development is multifactorial and different from case to case. Malnourished geriatric patients are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality.

Keywords: Nutritional status / metabolism / aging / elderly / malnutrition

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/04 ab Seite 396.

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