The health pyramid

A novel communication model for healthy living
B. Hermey, Dissen

The novel health pyramid is an attempt to condense the complex discussion of the relationship among nutrition, physical exercise and stress behaviour and resulting recommendations for health, as a basis for a communication model for health promotion. The recommendations derived should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, instructive, practice oriented and suggestive.

The model should be both a methodical-didactic aid for advisers and a guide for those addressed. A conceptual and practical evaluation by dietitians has shown that the concept is fully accepted by the experts questioned and that the pyramid has proven its practicability in the field of medical rehabilitation. The random group tested fully accepted the medium as a methodical-didactic aid.

Keywords: Health pyramid / novel communication model / healthy living

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/04 ab Seite 402.

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