Non-scientific postscript or the never ending nutritional debate

A. Ströhle, A. Hahn, Hannover

The dispute of what is meant by healthy diet produces some odd quirks in the print media, on radio and television. Characteristic is a one-dimensional view especially in populistic papers. It is in vogue to pathologize certain food components such as dietary fat in recent years or carbohydrates since recently.

The one-dimensional view of GLYX and a fat phobia are inappropriate.Sometimes it is only an attempt to represent nutrition-physiological facts and recommendations known for long as something that is completely new. The present paper is an ironic comment upon the present but apparently never-ending nutritional debate.

Keywords: Nutritional debate / healthy diet / GLYX phobia / fat phobia

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 05/05 ab Seite 180.

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