Nutritional behaviour and health-related lifestyles of Korean and German female students

J. O. Rho, St. Dorandt, Jeonju / Giessen

Nutritional behaviour and lifestyle of Korean and German (GS) female students were to be compared. 548 studens were interviewed (standardized questionnaires). The group comprised 52 % KS and 48 % GS with an average age of 21.4 ± 1.5 and 22.3 ± 3.2 years.

74.4 % of the KS and 87.1 % of the GS are of normal weight. Only 41.4 % of the KS and 66.5 % of the GS regulary have breakfast. KS prefer the typical Korean type of breakfast. On workdays the GS eat bread, cereals, fruit/vegetables, yoghurt, tea and milk for breakfast, while on weekends rolls plus spreads and eggs are preferred.

More than two thirds of the KS and GS regularly have lunch, but not dinner (70 % of the KS, 31 % of the DS). 41.6 % of the KS and 51.3 % of the DS regularly practise sports. Smoking and alcohol are of secondary importance; 2.8 % of the KS and 15.6 % of the DS smoke, and 22.2 % of the KS and 26.1 % of the DS consume alcohol once a week.

The results have shown that one could be more critical of the nutritional behaviour of the KS than of the DS. As far as the lifestyle factors sports, smoking and alcohol consumption are concerned, the health behaviour of the group investigated is evaluated positive.

Key words: Nutritional behaviour / health-related lifestyles / Korean and German female students.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 10/06 ab Seite 396.

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