Psychobiological aspects of starvation

I. M. Brunn, Muecke

Psychobiological aspects of starvation may be exemplified by changes in the hormone and neurotransmitter system of a starving organism. Plasma leptin levels are decreasing during starvation. Low leptin levels may be responsible for amenorrhoea in fasting women. Recent studies have shown a correlation between high levels of physical activity and low plasma leptin levels in patients with anorexia nervosa.

Serotonin levels are also decreased during starvation; this could explain depressed mood frequently appearing in starving individuals. Activity of the HPA axis is disordered while hypersecretion of cortisol suggests ACTH resistance. Hypercortisolism caused by starvation could be a reason for the addictive nature of anorexia nervosa. Decreased norepinephrine levels seem to affect mood and a drop in performance of a starving individual.
The question as to how far these changes promote the maintenance of anorexia nervosa is discussed.

Key words: Starvation / psychobiological asprects / hormones / neurotransmitter system

Sie finden den
Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/06 ab Seite 430.

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