Strategies to improve folate supply in Germany – risks and benefits

Position paper of the German Nutrition Society

Part 1: Folate supply in Germany and the role of folate in the prevention of different diseases and malformations

M. Krawinkel, A. Broenstrup, A. Bechthold, H. K. Biesalski, H. Boeing, I. Elmadfa, H. Heseker, A. Kroke, E. Leschik-Bonnet, H. Oberritter, P. Stehle, Bonn

In Germany, folate supply in a large part of the population is below the recommended intake of 400 µg folate equivalents/day. An inadequate supply is associated with an increased risk of a low folate status – a risk factor for different diseases including cardiovascular diseases, neural tube defects, and possibly cancer, cognitive disturbances and other inborn malformations.

For example, only 13 % of women between 18 and 40 years have a folate status which is regarded optimal to prevent a neural tube defect. Neural tube defects are the third most frequent inborn malformation in humans; its incidence is estimated at 1 to 2 childen per 1000 births. The children concerned are either not viable or often handicapped for life due to neurological damage. Studies have unanimously shown that the majority of neural tube defects can be prevented by intake of folic acid during early pregnancy.

Key words: Folate / folate supply / neural tube defects / prevention

Sie finden den Artikel
in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/06 ab Seite 424.

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