Weight-control behaviour of Korean and German female students

A comparative study

R. O. Rho, St. Dorandt, Jeonju/Giessen

The present study was to compare the weight-control behaviour of Korean and German (GS) female students. 548 students were interviewed. Ca. 48 % of the KS and 53 % of the GS are content with their figures. One third of the interviewed find themselves a little too fat although their BMI is in the range of normal weight.

In general, KS are less content with their appearance than GS. 18 % of the KS and 4 % of the GS only weigh themselves daily. Nearly 90 % of the KS would like to lose weight while 40 % of the GS do not. Ca. 73 % of the KS and 59 % of the GS already tried to lose weight. For 40 % of the KS and 54 % of the GS “looking better” is the most important reason for a diet. 20 % of the KS and 34 % of the GS succeeded in losing weight while ca. 48 % of the KS and 18 % of the GS stopped dieting. To reduce weight, about two thirds of the KS and GS ate less (e.g. no snacks, no sweets). 50 % of the KS and 59 of the GS tried to reduce weight by more physical activity (sports, e.g.). TV (50.2 %), friends (47.4 %) and newspapers/journals (36.9 %) were essential sources of pertinent information.

The results have shown that KS are more interested in a diet than GS. The majority of KS hence tries several methods for weight reduction which, however, are less promising and which are not based on a lasting change in nutrition. It is, therefore, necessary to intensify cooperation among those concerned (e.g., dietitians, teachers, parents, media) and to develop a weight-control program considering lifestyle and daily rhythm and combining physical actvity, nutrition and behavioural and personality training.

Key words: Weight-control behaviour / Korean female students / German female students

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/06 ab Seite 435.

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