School feeding at whole-day schools

M. Kersting, K. Clausen, Dortmund

Whole-day schools are to provide dinner for their pupils. The choice of food offered is left to the schools. The evaluated, food- and meal related concept of optimized mixed food is intended for children and adolescents. Most recently, the concept was largely adapted to school feeding at whole-day schools. The fundamental rules of food choice and proportions are independent of the children’s age.

The same recipes may therefore be used for the menus served for dinner to all age groups of children and adolescents. The meals prepared according to physiologically optimized recipes tested in a nation-wide study including large-scale catering establishments were also accepted by the pupils. The recipes included in menu plans of several weeks represent practical easy-to-handle quality standards for dinner at schools. They provide a basis for food choice and preparation in school kitchens especially in those cases in which experts for child nutrition are not available.

Keywords: evaluation, whole-day schools, meals, optimized mixed diet, OptimiX, food served for dinner, recipe file, prevention.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 03/07 ab Seite 114.

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