What is the price of a healthy daily diet for children and adolescents?

 Mathilde Kersting and Kerstin Clausen, Dortmund

All families, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, should have the chance of living on a healthy diet. The Optimized Mixed Diet is an example showing that a healthy diet cannot be realized for children over 6 years in families who are dependent of the current standard welfare rate, even if parents carefully compare food prices and choose lower-priced products.

Additional cost of lunch at whole-day schools increase deficits in the family budgets. Public campaigns for healthy nutrition should be aware of these facts and make sure that all children and adolescents are included.

Keywords: cost of living, Optimized Mixed Diet, participation in school feeding, preventive nutrition, standard welfare rate for subsistence, unemployment benefit.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 09/07 ab Seite 508.

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