Additional diet-related nutritional costs for patients with celiac disease

Heide Preuße, Gabi Glaser, Gießen

A qualitative study was performed in 2007 with 15 households to determine the additional domestic costs of gluten-free nutrition, with the intention of obtaining arguments for the social political discussion.

The minimal additional costs were measured as pure dietary costs and were an average of 101 €/month for the 15 households. Comparison of food costs for households with a member suffering from celiac disease with the statistical means for the rest of the population gave additional costs of just under 200 €/months. The individual households exhibited considerable individual differences from the mean values, indicating that many different domestic parameters play a role in establishing a gluten-free diet.

Keywords: celiac disease, diet-related additional costs, gluten-free nutrition, diet products, diet costs

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 10/09 ab Seite 554.

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