Low carb

low-carbohydrate diets scrutinized

Isabelle Mack and Hans Hauner, München

The growing prevalence of overweight and obesity has been accompanied by an increasing number of weight-loss strategies. The traditional low-fat, energy-restricted diet and the low-carbohydrate , non-energy-restricted diets (such as the Atkins diet) are very popular.

This article deals with both weight-loss strategies, mainly focussing on low-carb diets and their efficiency, mechanisms and risks. For weight loss within a period of one year, low-carb diets are at least as effective as low-fat diets. According to recent data diets lower in carbs and higher in protein and fat are not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. The success of diets is often limited because of poor long-term adherence. It is important, therefore, to take the patient’s food preferences, eating habits and needs into accocunt.

Keywords: Low-carbohydrate diets, types of diet, weight loss, metabolic syndrome, ketogenic food

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 12/07 ab Seite 720.

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