Outcomes of a practice observation of patients consuming the functional yogurt Activia

Patients with slight digestive disorders benefit from daily consumption of the functional yogurt Activia®, which contains the specific probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010. This was confirmed by a practice observation initiated by Danone GmbH Germany.

In the course of this surveillance 4.600 patients consumed one serving of Activia® daily during a test period of 14 days. The effect of Activia® consumption was evaluated by the patients via a self-assessed questionnaire. 73.4 % of the patients confirmed that their digestive complaints improved slightly to clearly due to the consumption of Activia®.

In general digestive complaints occurred perceptively less during the 2-week consumption
of Activia® (number of patients professing to have no complaints increased from 2.2 % to 45.0 %). Moreover 17.1 % of the participating patients reported an increase in defecation frequency. These results confirm previous results from numerous clinical trials, which have shown that Activia® significantly shortens the intestinal transit time, thus assisting natural digestive regulation.

Key words: digestive complaints, Activia®, probiotics, Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 01/07 ab Seite 12.

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