Interactions between Nutrition and Drugs – Effects on Drug Pharmacokinetics

Elisabeth Wisker, Kiel

Nutrition or specific foods may influence drug bioavailability by various mechanisms. The effects are mainly on drug pharmacokinetics - the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of the drugs.

Prolongation of the residence time in the stomach may reduce activity. This may simply happen when the drug is taken with food. The bioavailability of some drugs is also reduced by milk, milk products, coffee and specific cations. On the other hand, some components of grapefruit greatly increase the bioavailability of specific drugs. For this reason, especially patients taking calcium channel blockers or specific statins (to reduce cholesterol) should not eat grapefruit. The findings for some drugs are still inconsistent.

Disparate results may be caused by differences in the food taken, differences in drug formulation or individual differences in the activities of the enzymes involved in biotransformation. Package leaflets should contain notes on the correct manner of administration and possible interactions with nutrients.

Keywords: Drugs, pharmacokinetics, foods, bioavailability, grapefruit

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 03/10 ab Seite 149.

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