Supporting breastfeeding – a way to prevent overweight

Veronika Scherbaum, Anne Camilla Bellows, Hohenheim

There is much evidence that breastfeeding has a favourable effect on weight development in children. The plausibility of this link is supported by numerous factors and physiological mechanisms.

Firstly, food uptake is independently regulated during breast-feeding. Secondly, the composition of breast milk is adapted to the child’s needs, with less protein than in baby food. Thirdly, breastfeeding has favourable longterm effects on cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The favourable effects of breastfeeding on the mother’s body weight depend on the mode of breastfeeding. Overweight or obese women more often find breastfeeding difficult and require more professional help. As breastfeeding can help to prevent overweight in mother and child, more attention should be given to this issue in future.

Keywords: breast feeding, overweight, baby, breast milk, baby milk food

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 07/09 ab Seite 388.

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