Significance of nutrition for dental health

Anahita Jablonski-Momeni and Klaus Pieper, Marburg

A high-carbohydrate diet and insufficient dental hygiene are the main causes of dental caries. Frequent consumption of acid-containing drinks and food also leads to changes in enamel and erosion.

Early nutritional counselling and expert advice in matters of oral hygiene to expectant mothers may be helpful to make sure prophylactic measures are taken as soon as the child grows its first teeth. This will help to prevent caries in infants. It is also necessary to inform mothers about the damage to teeth arising if children are lastingly fed sugar/acid-containing drinks via feedingbottles. A sugar-free morning in children attending kindergardens and the use of products protecting the teeth are further nutritional means of assuring dental health.

Keywords: Dental hygiene, caries in early infancy, cariogenic microorganisms, dental examinations for early recognition, fluoride prophylaxis, mutans-streptococci, sweets not damaging the teeth, Aktion Zahnfreundlich e. V.

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 11/07 ab Seite 663.

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