Eating against one’s inner void – To recognize, explain and treat eating disorders

Eva Wunderer, ANAD e.V., München

Eating disorders are severe psychosomatic diseases including typical signs of addiction. Those concerned regard eating, or not eating, as a means of getting problems under control which they are unable to solve. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders are due to many factors such as, e.g., family and sociocultural environment as well as individual and biological factors.

Frequently, eating disorders are kept secret for a long time as those concerned feel ashamed and have a sense of guilt. For first contacts, low-threshold information and advice are important. Many institutions usually working in interdisciplinary teams have been specializing on the treatment of eating disorders. Nutritional therapy plays an essential part. Therapy according to the ANAD principle is based on the “anti-diet concept” in groups of people sharing a flat. The concept is directed against restrictions in the daily diet and food choice.

Key words: anorexia nervosa, anti-diet concept, bulimia nervosa, eating disorders, nutritional therapy, psychosomatic diseases

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/07 ab Seite 180.

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