Analysis of consumer perceptions for food quality and safety

A. Röhr, K. Lüddecke, M. J. Müller, R. v. Alvensleben, Kiel

Food safety has become an important aspect of food quality within the last decade. In 2002, we conducted a consumer survey including 449 subjects in Kiel to determine actual consumer perceptions of food quality and safety. These data were compared to former consumer surveys we had arranged.

It has been found that the perception of food quality improved. Consumers regard food safety as a prerequisite for consumption. Regarding food related health risks, the feeling of uncertainty seems to have decreased. Consumer organisations and nutritionists are considered to be the most reliable sources for food related information. The Federal Minister of Consumer protection as well as food manufacturers in general have gained in credibility. Manufacturers should continue to actively communicate their efforts to increase food safety as part of their ethical and social responsibility. EU11/03

Keywords: Food quality / food safety / consumer perception / survey

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/03 ab Seite 426.

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