Orthorectic eating behaviour: a frequent eating disorder among dietitians?

J. F. Kinzl, K. Hauer, C. Traweger, I. Kiefer, Innsbruck, Vienna

The present study dealt with the eating behaviour, and orthorectic eating behaviour in particular, of Austrian female dietitians. Different questionnaires including a German version of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, Bratman-Test and the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale were distributed to 500 dietitians.

Of the 238 persons who had answered the questionnaire, 26 (9.3 %) were underweight, 204 (72.6 %) of normal weight, 48 (17.1 %) overweight, and 3 (1%) obese. 35 (12.8 %) were at risk for orthorectic behaviour. In the orthorectic group, the number of previous diets, of previous eating disorders, cognitive controls of the eating behavior, and eating susceptibility were higher than in the rest of the group.

The findings have shown that, on the one hand, dietitians may be considered to be at risk for orthorectic eating behaviour, and, on the other, orthorectic eating behaviour may in many cases be regarded as an attempt to overcome a severe eating disorder.

Key words: Dietitians / eating behaviour / orthorectic eating behaviour

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 11/05 ab Seite 436.

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