Current research on potatoes

Part 1: For the overweight and for diabetics

Karin Wegner, Alain-Michel Graf, Inga Schneider, Werner Detmering, Nadine Zern und
Thomas Ellrott, Göttingen/Hannover

Potatoes have quite an unattractive image and are rarely seen as “up-to-date”, especially by the young. The scientific perspective is quite different; current research shows the relevance of potatoes in a balanced diet.

Boiled potatoes with and without skin have a low energy density and a good effect on satiation. The combination of these characteristics is desirable, in view of the increasing prevalence of overweight. At the same time, potatoes have a high nutrient density, with boiled and baked preparations surpassing rice and pasta. Compared to other food, potatoes rank high in GI values. Due to the comparatively low absolute carbohydrate content, the GL of potatoes can be lower than for rice or pasta.

Early season potatoes, tinned potatoes and potato dumplings usually exhibit intermediate GL values. Firm cooking varieties may exhibit lower GL values than floury cooking varieties, as they contain less carbohydrate. Preparations with medium or low GI or GL are more suitable than those with high GI or GL in the therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Compared to other vegetable protein, potato protein is high in the essential amino acid lysine. High leucine and protease-inhibitor content might contribute to the good satiation of isolated potato protein.

Keywords: Potatoes, energy density, nutrient density, protein content, satiety, fullness, glycaemic index

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/10 ab Seite 184.

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