Update on sweeteners: is there anything new about the benefits and risks?

Astrid Tombek, Bad Mergentheim

More than 350 million people habitually consume artificial sweeteners. Nevertheless, misleading media reports on artificial sweeteners have greatly unsettled the general public.

There have been obstinate rumours that artificial sweeteners increase the incidence of cancer and of obesity. This is unproven. New studies, reviews and case-control studies show that artificial sweeteners are safe if used in the right dosage. The FDA has stated that any safety issues must be clarified and the conditions modified if necessary. Artificial sweeteners can help to avoid obesity, if they are used to replace carbohydrates with higher energy.

Keywords: sweeteners, calorie reduction, risk assessment, epidemiological studies

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs Umschau 04/10 ab Seite 196.

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