Do we need a new food pyramid?

M. Groeneveld, Bonn

The discussions about low-carb diets question nutritional recommendations made so far. Some scientists suggest to rearrange the food pyramid in such a way that fruit and vegetables are the main components of daily diets.

Protein suppliers such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products as well as nuts and pulses achieve more importance. As far as carbohydrate food is concerned, the glycemic index is decisive. As a consequence the significance of whole-grain products should be underlined in nutrition counselling. Consumption of carbohydrate food ad libitum is no longer recommended for weight reduction.

Keywords: food pyramid / revision / nutrition counselling

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 08/04 ab Seite 308.

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