Influence of nitrate and nitrite in meat products on human health

A. Schmid, Bern

Under certain conditions nitrite may react with secondary amines to form N-nitrosamines, for which carcinogenic effects have been demonstrated in animal studies. Since nitrate/nitrite is contained in cured meat products, consumption of these is often considered a health risk.

However, epidemiological studies did not ascertain a connection between nitrate/nitrite and cancer in humans. Now there is reason to assume that under physiological conditions reactive nitrogen intermediates have beneficial effects in the stomach. It has also been known that 5 % of the dietary nitrate (ingested mainly with vegetables) and of the nitrate endogenously synthesized is reduced to nitrite by commensal bacteria in the oral cavity.

This is the main source of nitrite for humans. Calculations taking this into account have shown that cured meat products only contribute 9 to 16 % of the total nitrite supply. To caution consumers against cured meat products because of their nitrite content hence seems not justified.

Key words: Meat products/nitrate/nitrite/influence/human health

Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Sprache in Ernährungs-Umschau 12/06 ab Seite 490.

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